Harness Community

How beta testing can help you shape the future of Harness with us

How beta testing can help you shape the future of Harness with us
At Harness, we know how important it is to build meaningful connections with your donors. Our donation platform helps you cultivate deeper relationships with new and existing donors, so that they’ll be more invested in your cause—and ultimately, drive more donations to your nonprofit.

One of the best ways to connect with your donors is through texting. We’ve found that nonprofits who text to fundraise see an average of 250% more donations every year. Here are six key tips to help you use text donations to expand your audience and know the basic regulatory standards to get you started.

Exclusive access:

Participating in a beta program gives you early access to cutting-edge technology and exciting new features that haven’t been widely released yet. You'll be among the first to explore new tools and functionalities, getting a sneak peek into what the future holds.

Shape the product:

Ever wished a product did things just a little differently? This is your chance to make a real difference. As a beta tester, we want to hear your thoughts, ideas, and even the things that bug you. Your feedback helps us shape the final product, making it even better for everyone.

Be part of a community:

As this program grows, this beta program will be able to connect you with a community of like-minded individuals who share your interest in technology and innovation.